Dr Irene Reppa

Dr Irene Reppa

Senior Lecturer, Psychology

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 295963

Email address

Office - 915B
Ninth Floor
Vivian Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr. Irene Reppa obtained a D.Phil. from Bangor University, where she held a Research Officer position for 2 years, before taking an Assistant Professor post in the Department of Psychology at Swansea University.

Irene’s research interests and publications fall into four broad categories: Object Recognition (with a focus on representation of shape and surface properties), Object-based Attention and Memory (with a focus on inhibitory mechanisms), Perception and Action (with a focus on how the potential to find out information about an object can automatically guide our actions), and Aesthetic Appeal and Performance, with a focus on the influence of aesthetic appeal on performance and behaviour.

Irene’s work has been supported by Unilever, SR-Research (Ltd.), the Economic and Social Research Council, The Leverhulme Trust, and the Wales Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Economic and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Irene is available to supervise PhD students in the areas of object perception and attention, memory, aesthetics and performance, and the effects of mindfulness on cognition.

My personal website - http://www.irenereppa.co.uk/

Areas Of Expertise

  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Perception-action
  • Object recognition
  • Aesthetics

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Perception & Attention


Psychology of Aesthetics

Award Highlights