Dr Emily Marchant is a researcher in the field of child health and education.
Dr Emily Marchant is a researcher in the field of child health and education.
Emily currently teaches on BSc Population Data Science, MSc Public Health and MA Childhood Studies.
Emily’s research focusses on primary school-aged children and examines the relationship between epidemiological factors and lifestyle behaviours with educational outcomes using data linkage. She also evaluates school-based interventions and has previously published evaluation research on outdoor learning and The Daily Mile. During Emily’s PhD, she developed and expanded the HAPPEN Wales primary school network to a national network that collects and shares school-level health behaviour information with schools.
This module enables students to gain an appreciation of key issues within developmental science. They will consider critical and current questions relating to child development, including, for example, nature versus nurture, discontinuity versus continuity and active development versus passive development and the holistic nature of development. Classical and contemporary theories will also be explored. Students will consider development across domains from birth to adolescence. Finally, the module considers the relevance of theories of development to current practice within education and early childhood settings.
This module will focus on emotional health, mental health, physical health and well-being in educational settings. It will critically examine the international research in these areas to explore the evidence base from multiple perspectives and from different contexts. Students will examine factors which impact on emotional health, mental health, physical health and well-being, and will critically evaluate a range of early interventions in relation to the promotion and protection of child / adolescent well-being, whilst also exploring the international evidence concerning the efficacy of a range of preventative measures. The module will enable students to extend, deepen, evaluate and (where appropriate) apply their knowledge of theory and research relating to emotional health, mental health, physical health and well-being to their personal /professional contexts. This module will explore and critically examine research from multiple perspectives and debates in¿the area of¿mental¿health, emotional¿health, physical health¿and well-being across educational contexts. The module is designed to enable students to extend, deepen, evaluate and (where¿appropriate)¿apply their knowledge of theory and research relating to emotional health, mental health, physical health and well-being, as relate¿these to their personal and professional contexts.
This module explores current and critical public health and health promotion issues affecting childhood growth from birth to age 18. This includes the development of health behaviours influencing growth, health and well-being such as nutrition, physical activity and sleep. The module places a focus on the socio-ecological influences of childhood growth and public health including the role of individuals (e.g. the child, families), settings (e.g. schools), policy and socio-cultural factors. The concept of health literacy will be explored, considering the influence this has on life course outcomes such as risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The social determinants of health will be considered including the impact of poverty and deprivation and the influence of education. Child health surveillance and monitoring will be examined such as the Childhood Measurement Programme, ongoing child cohort studies (e.g. Born in Wales, HAPPEN) and child health promotion and services (e.g. Flying Start, School Nurse). Emerging national and international trends including childhood obesity and physical inactivity and their impact on children¿s growth, physical health and well-being will be examined. This module will explore the interplay between, and application of research, theory, policy and practice.
This module will introduce students to some of the current educational debates around issues of equity, and support students to approach these debates through critical analysis of a wide range of data. Issues to be covered will include the decolonisation of the curriculum, issues pertaining to equity of access to educational opportunities and outcomes, issues of equity and equality in educational research (both in relation to topics researched and in the conduct of research), issues of race, gender, social class and marginalisation in learning. Crucially, the module will encourage students to take a critical perspective on key concepts relevant to both the education policy and practice landscape in Wales and the UK more widely, including the concepts of equality of opportunity, equity and meritocracy.
This module will introduce students to key factors that are relevant to effective teaching and learning. It will consider evidence for effective professional practice relating to learning environments, communication strategies and behaviour management. Students will explore the various roles of the educator in contemporary educational practice and theories of teaching and learning. Specific aspects influencing effective learning will also be introduced, for example attention, motivation and expectancy effects. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own educational experiences in relation to effective teaching and learning practice.
This module explores the underlying concepts that are used to evaluate population health. How to design a study, measuring frequency and rate of diseases, how tell what the risk factors are for getting a disease, how to critically appraise research, and understanding the limitations of research including bias, reverse causality and confounding. The module will use the current work with Public Health Wales, Welsh Government and Charities and show how their programmes are evaluated using epidemiology design and analysis. The data used in workshops will come directly from our research working in primary schools, arthritis and with the Growing up in Wales study. This course provides hands on experience and training in understanding and measuring population health, and is delivered by practicing researchers in the National Centre for Population Health and Well-being.
This module aims to provide a critical overview of the epidemiology of common causes of morbidity and mortality in school-aged children and adolescents. It will cover individual conditions, links between physical and mental health, determinants of health with a focus on socio-economic inequalities, public health universal services to improve health. Further, it will cover links to educational outcomes.
This module builds on the teaching from PM-274 Practical Epidemiology, to enable students to understand advanced epidemiology concepts, undertake an analysis (a Hackathon) using these methods, and to be able to write a grant proposal (a PhD proposal) in Epidemiology. The module aims to cover advanced epidemiology analysis techniques including; cohort studies using linked routine data, data driven/machine learning methods, natural experiment design and synthetic controls, case controls studies including propensity score matching, policy evaluation methods and epidemiology in Public Health. The module will include the current work with Public Health Wales, Welsh Government and Charities (Play Wales/Children In Wales) and undertake an analysis (Hackathon) in response to questions from one of our partners (e.g. Public Health Wales). This course advances the hands-on experience in understanding and measuring population health and is taught by active researchers in the National Centre for Population Health and Well-being.
Moscow, Russia
Belfast, UK