Professional Advocate Programme
The Professional Advocate role supports a continuous improvement process that aims to build on the personal and professional clinical leadership of nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals to enhance the quality of care for patients.
Professional Practice 2
This module follows from the year 1 module SHC150 Professional Practice 1 and further develops some topics as well as introducing others. The material is designed to provide support knowledge for the healthcare science student in their professional practice.
Leadership Skills for the Operating Department Practitioner
This module will introduce the student to the concept of leadership and the impact that compassionate leadership can have on others. Students will discover aspects of contemporary leadership and management theory, emotional intelligence, the different traits of leadership and organisational culture. The module will examine current themes and drivers within the perioperative setting that ultimately have an impact on patient care and safety, and how an Operating Department Practitioner can manage this with their own leadership abilities. Through the concept of change theory, transformational change and collaboration and co-creation with tutors, the student will identify selected areas of change from the emerging themes and drivers, applying their own identified styles and traits to formulate solutions.
Mental Health & Social Exclusion
This module aims to build on previous knowledge and experience, providing contextualised understanding of a variety of concepts relating to mental health and the impact of social exclusion, within the context of paramedic practice. The module adopts an interactive and blended approach, allowing learners to engage with and learn from subject specialists, service users and learners associated with the allied health professions. Learners will gain practical skills related to suicide prevention and managing self-harm.
Theoretical knowledge will be facilitated through directed self-study and learners will be provided with opportunities to engage with and learn from service users as well as online learning to enhance and develop practice. The focus of the module is to develop practical approaches, which can be applied to support effective and appropriate outcomes that meet the needs of individuals experiencing mental health and/ or social exclusion.
Practice based learning will be supported by a 2 week placement with mental teams, facilitated by health boards in Wales.
Educating and Learning in Practice
This module aims to provide learners with foundational knowledge that will support them as they prepare to undertake the role of practice educators, following completion of the programme and into their journey as newly qualified paramedics. This module will facilitate learners to critically examine various learning theories and teaching styles as well as the key enablers and inhibitors of providing constructive feedback.
Dysgu ac Addysgu Mewn Ymarfer
Nod y modiwl hwn yw rhoi gwybodaeth sylfaenol i ddysgwyr a fydd yn eu cefnogi wrth iddynt baratoi i ymgymryd â rôl addysgwyr ymarfer, ar ôl cwblhau'r rhaglen ac ar eu taith fel parafeddygon newydd gymhwyso. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn hwyluso dysgwyr i archwilio gwahanol ddamcaniaethau dysgu ac arddulliau addysgu yn feirniadol yn ogystal â'r galluogwyr a'r rhwystrau allweddol o ran darparu adborth adeiladol.
Student Leadership Academy - Leadership Programmme
The Student Leadership Academy, which is an interprofessional leadership programme, is designed to encourage and support students to develop and apply leadership qualities to their own personal, professional and organizational context, with direct relevance to future employers. The Swansea University Student Leadership Programme will reflect the ethos of the Council of Deans of Health `to develop and promote student leadership capacity in support of delivering the best possible care to patients and service users¿.
Student Leadership Academy - Leadership Programmme
The Student Leadership Academy, which is an interprofessional leadership programme, is designed to encourage and support students to develop and apply leadership qualities to their own personal, professional and organizational context, with direct relevance to future employers. The Swansea University Student Leadership Programme will reflect the ethos of the Council of Deans of Health `to develop and promote student leadership capacity in support of delivering the best possible care to patients and service users¿.
Advanced Practice: Management and Leadership
This module provides students with the opportunity to critically examine their role in relation to management and leadership issues. The focus will be on providing the student with knowledge and skills to enhance their leadership roles.
Advanced Practice: Management and Leadership
This module provides students with the opportunity to critically examine their role in relation to management and leadership issues. The focus will be on providing the student with knowledge and skills to enhance their leadership roles.
Management and Leadership
This module provides students with the opportunity to critically examine their role in relation to management and leadership issues. The focus will be on providing the student with knowledge and skills to enhance their leadership roles.
The Journey to Birth
This module will continue to build on the student¿s knowledge of pregnancy and introduce labour and birth as a normal physiological process, focusing on the midwife¿s role in working to promote positive outcomes.
Ensuring Quality Care (Mental Health)
The module will enable the mental health field student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe, quality care to patients and service users across all four fields of nursing in accordance with recognised legal, ethical, quality and professional frameworks for practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the process of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through leadership skills and apply these principles to the practice settings, using a range of communication skills, self-reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Ensuring Quality Care (Mental Health)
The module will enable the mental health field student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe, quality care to patients and service users across all four fields of nursing in accordance with recognised legal, ethical, quality and professional frameworks for practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the process of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through leadership skills and apply these principles to the practice settings, using a range of communication skills, self-reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Sicrhau Gofal o Safon (Iechyd Meddwl)
Bydd y modiwl yn galluogi'r myfyriwr maes iechyd meddwl i gymryd rhan yn y gwaith o drefnu, rheoli a darparu gofal diogel o ansawdd i gleifion a defnyddwyr gwasanaeth ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn unol â fframweithiau cyfreithiol, moesegol, ansawdd a phroffesiynol cydnabyddedig ar gyfer ymarfer. Bydd myfyrwyr yn datblygu dealltwriaeth feirniadol o'r broses llywodraethu clinigol a gwella ansawdd yn barhaus trwy sgiliau arwain ac yn cymhwyso'r egwyddorion hyn i'r lleoliadau ymarfer, gan ddefnyddio ystod o sgiliau cyfathrebu, hunan-fyfyrio, barn glinigol a gwerthusiad beirniadol o'r sylfaen dystiolaeth ar gyfer nyrsio. ymarfer.
Managing Complex Care in Rapidly Changing Situations (Adult)
This module aims to give an overview of specialist aspects of nursing practice, especially when care can be considered complex and situations rapidly change. The module also aims to give a greater insight into the application of legal, ethical and professional issues to practice. This module draws on the content of modules within Years 1 and 2 and experiences in practice to consolidate the knowledge, skills and attitude for professional practice in the field of adult nursing.
Leadership and Management (Adult)
The aim of this module is to enable the student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe care to clients/service users in accordance with recognised legal, ethical and professional frameworks for practice. The module aims to ensure that students develop a critical understanding of the processes of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through clinical leadership and can apply these principles to the practice setting, using a range of communication skills, reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Leadership and Management (Adult)
The module will enable the student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe care to patients and service users in accordance with recognised legal, ethical and professional frameworks for practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the processes of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through clinical leadership and apply these principles to the practice setting, using a range of communication skills, reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Care of the Adult with Complex Needs (Adult)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within their scope of practice and across all four fields of nursing practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Gofal yr Oedolyn ag Anghenion Cymhleth (Oedolyn)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw paratoi myfyrwyr i ofalu a rheoli sefyllfaoedd gofal cymhleth yn systematig, gan ddangos creadigrwydd, gallu i addasu a blaenoriaethu gwneud penderfyniadau clinigol wrth weithio o fewn eu cwmpas ymarfer ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, ar draws y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd.
Care of the Adult with Complex Needs (Adult)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within their scope of practice and across all four fields of nursing practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Gofal yr Oedolyn ag Anghenion Cymhleth (Oedolyn)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw paratoi myfyrwyr i ofalu a rheoli sefyllfaoedd gofal cymhleth yn systematig, gan ddangos creadigrwydd, gallu i addasu a blaenoriaethu gwneud penderfyniadau clinigol wrth weithio o fewn eu cwmpas ymarfer ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, ar draws y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd.
Advancing Mental Health Nursing Practice (Mental Health)
The module will empower students to develop values for professional practice through critical reflection.
It will facilitate nursing students to develop an appreciation of organisational leadership and management, to identify and apply knowledge and skills to propose an advancement in practice within their chosen field of nursing and across all four fields of nursing practice.
Ymarfer Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl Uwch (Iechyd Meddwl)
Bydd y modiwl yn rhoi grym i fyfyrwyr i ddatblygu gwerthoedd ar gyfer ymarfer proffesiynol trwy fyfyrio'n feirniadol.
Bydd yn hwyluso myfyrwyr nyrsio i ddatblygu gwerthfawrogiad o arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth sefydliadol, i nodi a chymhwyso gwybodaeth a sgiliau i gynnig cynnydd mewn ymarfer yn eu dewis faes nyrsio ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio.
Advancing Mental Health Nursing Practice (Mental Health)
The module will empower students to develop values for professional practice through critical reflection.
It will facilitate nursing students to develop an appreciation of organisational leadership and management, to identify and apply knowledge and skills to propose an advancement in practice within their chosen field of nursing and across all four fields of nursing practice.
Ymarfer Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl Uwch (Iechyd Meddwl)
Bydd y modiwl yn rhoi grym i fyfyrwyr i ddatblygu gwerthoedd ar gyfer ymarfer proffesiynol trwy fyfyrio'n feirniadol.
Bydd yn hwyluso myfyrwyr nyrsio i ddatblygu gwerthfawrogiad o arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth sefydliadol, i nodi a chymhwyso gwybodaeth a sgiliau i gynnig cynnydd mewn ymarfer yn eu dewis faes nyrsio ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio.
Gofal y Defnyddiwr Gwasanaeth gydag Anghenion Cymhleth (Iechyd Meddwl)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw paratoi myfyrwyr i ofalu a rheoli sefyllfaoedd gofal cymhleth yn systematig, gan ddangos creadigrwydd, gallu i addasu a blaenoriaethu gwneud penderfyniadau clinigol wrth weithio o fewn eu cwmpas ymarfer ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, ar draws y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd.
Gofal y Defnyddiwr Gwasanaeth gydag Anghenion Cymhleth (Iechyd Meddwl)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw paratoi myfyrwyr i ofalu a rheoli sefyllfaoedd gofal cymhleth yn systematig, gan ddangos creadigrwydd, gallu i addasu a blaenoriaethu gwneud penderfyniadau clinigol wrth weithio o fewn eu cwmpas ymarfer ac ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio, ar draws y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd.
Care of the Service User with Complex Needs (Mental Health)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within their scope of practice and across all four fields of nursing practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Advancing Mental Health Nursing Practice (Mental Health)
The module will empower students to develop values for professional practice through critical reflection.
It will facilitate nursing students to develop an appreciation of organisational leadership and management, to identify and apply knowledge and skills to propose an advancement in practice within their chosen field of nursing and across all four fields of nursing practice.
Introduction to Clinical Leadership
The current and future challenges in health and social care make it essential for front line practitioners to have leadership skills, be able to influence and manage change to improve the care and outcomes for service users and contribute to drive forward service improvement. This module will provide students with the theory underpinning leadership and the management of change, and the opportunity to critically explore and discuss their application to students¿ own experience in practice.
Care of the User of Service With Complex Needs (Mental Health)
This module aims to prepare students to care and systematically manage complex care situations, demonstrating creativity, adaptability and the prioritisation of clinical decision making whilst working within their scope of practice within the mental health field of nursing practice, across community, hospital or any healthcare setting.
Preparation for Professional Practice (Mental Health)
This module aims to develop the students¿ knowledge in understanding accountability and the roles and responsibilities of a registered nurse. Students will consider professional practice in relation to professional, socio-political, legal and ethical issues. The module enables the student to integrate the learning from theory and practice gained over the course of the programme in order to meet the Future Nurse: standards of proficiency for registered nurses (NMC, 2018) to enable the transition from student to registered nurse.
Paratoi ar gyfer ymarfer proffesiynol (Iechyd Meddwl)
Nod y modiwl hwn yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyrwyr ynghylch deall atebolrwydd a rolau a chyfrifoldebau nyrs gofrestredig. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn ystyried ymarfer proffesiynol mewn perthynas â materion proffesiynol, gwleidyddol-economaidd, cyfreithiol a moesegol. Mae¿r modiwl yn galluogi¿r myfyriwr i integreiddio¿r hyn a ddysgwyd o¿r gwaith damcaniaethol a¿r ymarfer a wnaed yn ystod y rhaglen i gyflawni gofynion `Nyrs y Dyfodol: Safonau Hyfedredd ar gyfer Nyrsys Cofrestredig¿ (Y Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth, 2018) i alluogi'r newid o fod yn fyfyriwr i fod yn nyrs gofrestredig
Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Service Evaluation and Improvement (Adult)
The module will enable adult students to develop their leadership skills when managing nursing care. The module will empower students to recognise and develop their own values for professional practice through critical reflection, to interpret and summarise information, and to advance their own nursing practice through appraisal and constructive critique.
Leadership, Management and Decision Making in Service Evaluation and Improvement (Mental Health)
The module will enable mental health students to develop their leadership skills when managing nursing care. The module will empower students to recognise and develop their own values for professional practice through critical reflection, to interpret and summarise information, and to advance their own nursing practice through appraisal and constructive critique.
Designing and Evaluating Your Teaching
This module aims to develop the student¿s awareness of the key issues, principles and values of quality teaching in the workplace setting, and their ability to reflect upon, analyse and interpret their own professional practice in healthcare and education using a range of theoretical frameworks.
Teaching and Learning for the Health Professions' Educators
This module has been designed to prepare educators from a variety of health professions for a role in teaching, supervising and assessing students and trainees in practice and academic settings. It aims to prepare educators to work within a developmental framework in the context of interprofessional learning and modern day health services. This module will form part of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education for the Health Professions.
Leadership in Education and Healthcare Practice
This module provides an introduction to leadership and management concepts and theories, situated within a
healthcare or educational context. It also introduces students to the approaches and evidence base of
leadership and management literature and organisational analysis. Consideration of contemporary leadership
and management issues in clinical leadership enables students to gain appreciation of the wider aspects of
public service, health systems, health professions education and organisational responses.