Dr Andrew Thomas

Dr Andrew Thomas

Senior Lecturer, Psychology

Email address

Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I research sex differences and relationship preferences from an evolutionary perspective. My current research projects involve answering the questions:

  • What attributes do people find attractive in a partner?
  • Under what circumstances do people change the types of relationships they desire (e.g., short- vs. long-term relationships)?
  • How different are the sexes in their mate criteria?
  • Which aspects of mating psychology are universal and which are more influenced by culture?

Prior to my current post, I completed my PhD at Swansea University, UK under the supervision of Dr Steve Stewart-Williams. Before that I received a BSc(Hons) degree in Psychology from Cardiff University, UK. I’m currently a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Evolutionary Psychology
  • Sex Differences
  • Relationship Satisfaction
  • Mate Preferences
  • Cross-cultural Psychology