Reading group sessions take place online to enable international exchange and to reach people from different universities and research centres in Europe and the UK. The first session of the Migration Reading Group was held in November 2021, and the following sessions run until May 2022 on a monthly basis. The findings and discussions of this reading group also culminated in our two-day postgraduate conference hosted by Swansea University. The conference was an opportunity to present research related to themes of migration, mobilities and movement in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Recordings Annual Online Migration Reading Group:

  • Video ‘Reading Group November 2021’: In the first meet-up of the annual online migration reading group, early career researchers and academics from Swansea and Sorbonne University read and discussed the relations between critical migration studies and International Relations through the following article: Squire, Vicki. “Migration and the Politics of ‘the Human’: Confronting the Privileged Subjects of IR.” International Relations 34, no. 3 (September 2020): 290–308.
  • Video ‘Reading Group December 2021’: In the second meet-up of the annual online migration reading group, we read and discussed solidarities and migrant resistance through following article: Martina Tazzioli (2021): Towards a genealogy of migrant struggles and rescue. The memory of solidarity at the Alpine border, Citizenship Studies
  • Video ‘Reading Group January 2022’: In the third meet-up of the annual online migration reading group, we read and discussed the relations between migration studies and more-than-human literature through the following article: Ashraful Alam, Andrew McGregor & Donna Houston (2020) Neither sensibly homed nor homeless: re-imagining migrant homes through more-than-human relations, Social & Cultural Geography, 21:8, 1122-1145,
  • Video ‘Reading Group February 2022’: In the fourth meet-up of the annual online migration reading group, we read and discussed the relations between migration, welcome and national identities through the following article: Nicolson M, Korkut U. The making and the portrayal of Scottish distinctiveness: how does the narrative create its audience? International Migration. 2021 Nov 25.
  • Video ‘Reading Group April 2022’: In the fifth meet-up of the annual online migration reading group, we read and discussed the relations the so-called 2015 European “refugee crisis” through an article of the keynote speaker of the Swansea-Sorbonne Migration network’s postgraduate conference in May 2022: Maja Zehfuss, “We Can Do This”: Merkel, Migration and the Fantasy of Control, International Political Sociology, Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 172–189,