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Swansea University announces it will be open and ready to teach at the start of the new academic year

Swansea University has announced its intention to be open and ready to teach online and in person at the beginning of the new academic year in September 2020.
- All courses will be delivered in a dual way to give both online and face-to-face teaching.
- Face-to-face teaching will be delivered in a blended format with no large lectures to begin with.
- The University is preparing to deliver online enrolment, induction and welcome week in September and January.
- University accommodation will be available as normal with appropriate social distancing measures in place.
For international students, should the UK have quarantine controls in place at the time of their arrival, the University will send them information about the measures the University will be taking to assist and support them.
Professor Martin Stringer, pro-vice-chancellor for education, said: “Swansea University is shaping its delivery to ensure that despite any travel restrictions, and regardless of wherever its students are, it will ensure that all students – whether in Swansea, elsewhere in the UK, or across the world and joining a little later in the academic year when circumstances allow - will be fully part of our University community.
“The health, safety and support of our students and staff are our first priority in all that we do. We will provide more details in the coming weeks to keep people up-to-date with our plans, and look forward to welcoming students and staff."