Professor Angela John



Angela is a historian and biographer. She has authored/edited a dozen books as well as numerous articles, mostly on women’s/gender history. Her biographies include studies of Charlotte Guest, Elizabeth Robins, Evelyn Sharp and Henry W. Nevinson. Her most recent books are The Actors’ Crucible: Port Talbot and the Making of Burton, Hopkins, Sheen and All the Others (Parthian 2015, paperbacked 2016) and Rocking the Boat:Welsh Women who Championed Equality, 1840-1990 (Parthian 2018, paperbacked 2019). She was one of the founders of the international journal Gender & History in the late 1980s and is a vice-president (and former chair) of Llafur, the Welsh People’s History Society. She was, for many years Professor of History at the University of Greenwich, London and then an Honorary Professor at Aberystwyth University. Having written Turning the Tide.The Life of Lady Rhondda (Parthian, 2013, paperbacked 2014) she worked with Welsh National Opera in 2018 on ‘Rhondda Rips It Up!’ which toured 16 venues across Wales and England and was nominated for a world opera award. This year (2019) she was a finalist for a Chwarae Teg ‘Womenspire’ award.