Showing 1 - 10 of 69 Results.
Showing 1 to 10 of 69 Results.
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Applied Medical Sciences, BSc (Hons) / MSci (Hons)
Optional Modules. Medical Research Pathway . Choose Exactly 20 credits from the following Modules:. ... NOTE : Please select the following module for the Medical Science in Practice pathway. -
Applied Medical Sciences with a Foundation Year, BSc (Hons) / MSci (Hons)
Optional Modules. Medical Research Pathway . Choose Exactly 20 credits from the following Modules:. ... NOTE : Please select the following module for the Medical Science in Practice pathway. -
Medical Pharmacology, BSc (Hons) / MSci (Hons)
This degree is part of our ‘Medical Science in Practice’ Pathway to Medicine programme. ... January-June (TB2). 20. PM-273. Optional Modules. Medical Science in Practice Pathway . -
Medical Biochemistry, BSc (Hons)
You can find more information on our Medical Biochemistry degrees by visiting our . ... January-June (TB2). 10. PM-243. Optional Modules. Year 2 Medical Biochemistry optional modules . -
Medical Pharmacology with a Foundation Year, BSc (Hons) / MSci (Hons)
This degree is part of our ‘Medical Science in Practice’ Pathway to Medicine programme. ... January-June (TB2). 20. PM-273. Optional Modules. Medical Science in Practice Pathway . -
Medical Biochemistry, MSci (Hons)
January-June (TB2). 10. PM-347. Optional Modules. Year 3 Medical Biochemistry optional modules . ... Principle teaching staff for the Medical Biochemistry programme are:. Course Director: Dr Ed Dudley. -
Medical Genetics, MSci (Hons)
January-June (TB2). 10. PM-153. Optional Modules. Year 1 Medical Genetics optional modules . ... January-June (TB2). 20. PM-251. Optional Modules. Year 2 Medical Genetics optional modules . -
Healthcare Science (Medical Engineering), BSc (Hons)
The NHS starting salary for Medical Engineers is around £28,407, rising to £50,056. ... Close. Healthcare Science (Medical Engineering), BSc (Hons). Healthcare Science (Medical Engineering) Part-time, BSc (Hons). -
Medical Genetics, BSc (Hons)
They include:. Medical research,. Pharmaceutical industry and health sciences,. Post graduate studies (MSc, MRes, PhD). ... Principle teaching staff for the Medical Genetics programme are:. Course Director: Dr Wendy Francis. -
Microbiology and Immunology, BSc (Hons) / MSci (Hons)
graduates. You will benefit from access to the state-of-the-art research facilities at the Medical School, including bioanalytical equipment such as DNA and protein analytical equipment, flow cytometry for ... In addition, if you have a Specific Learning
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Filtered by faculty: medicine, health and life science.
- Medicine (26)
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Undergraduate Course
Showing search results with faculty medicine, health and life science filter selected
Medicine, Health and Life Science