A pan-Wales approach to health and social care

On the 27th of October 2022, the Healthcare Technology Centre (HTC) delivered a learning day to a host of stakeholders across health and social care, including Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, the Bevan Commission, Social Care Wales, and the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST).

This learning day disseminated outcomes generated from seven mapping reports that have been conducted over the past two years to assess or ‘map out’ research, innovation and improvement activities and assets for health and social care held by the seven regional partnership boards across Wales.

Healthcare Technology Centre commission team

HTC team standing in front of presentation screen in Swansea.com Stadium with 'pan-wales learning day' slide

The seven mapping reports involved extensive research and qualitative investigations with key stakeholders across Wales, amounting to 164 units of data. A high-level synthesis of the data from each of the seven regions was then conducted to achieve a ‘Pan Wales’ overview of opportunities to strengthen research, innovation and improvement efforts in accordance with Government policy for Wales.

This report was shared with Welsh Government and then delivered via a dedicated learning day to share the key learnings and recommendations to more than 30 stakeholders across health and social care and engaged them in a discussion about how best to progress innovation for health and social care in Wales.

The learning day was the first step towards achieving a more collaborative ‘Pan Wales’ approach to health and social care, and an excellent exemplar of the benefits of cross-collaborative working between academia, industry and government.

illustration of keywords captured live from the learning day