Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine aims to reconstruct disease or damaged tissues and organs by using innovative technologies, such as stem cells, tissue engineering or functional biomaterials.

The major challenge in this research field is not only to produce viable and functional cells and tissue in vitro and in vivo, but to prolong the survival and function of these tissues or organs in an environment that potentially does not favour tissue regeneration.

Within the CNH we have four regenerative medicine research strategies;

  1. To use human stem cell/primary cells for studying molecular mechanism controlling cell differentiation, and the effect of encapsulated growth factors or anabolic reagents on stem cells. 
  2. To develop novel tissue scaffolds with controlled micro and nanoscale morphology, functionality to guide tissue development and regeneration.
  3. To utilise 3D tissue regeneration models to evaluate the applications of stem cell, tissue engineering, scaffold-free cell engineering and acellular functional materials.
  4. To understand the mechanism of immune responses (in particular innate immune responses) against artificial organs and to prolong their survival and function after implantation or engraftment.

Collaborative projects with local companies include research and development into advanced wound dressings, cartilage-derived stem cells, and novel scaffolds for dental bone grafts.