In the realm of academic research, the journey from groundbreaking discoveries to real-world impact is essential but challenging

The essence lies in transcending traditional boundaries and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. A recent framework, the 4D model, emphasizes designing research with practical applications, delivering results effectively, disseminating findings widely, and demonstrating tangible benefits to society.

Successful collaborations between academia and industry, such as developing AI-driven energy solutions or accelerating medical breakthroughs, showcase the potential for significant societal benefits. However, barriers like the "language barrier" between researchers and practitioners hinder progress. Overcoming these challenges requires accessible communication, policy engagement, and a culture that values impact alongside academic excellence.

Looking ahead, embracing these challenges and opportunities is crucial for the future of research impact. It calls for a shift in mindset and collective commitment from researchers, industry partners, policymakers, and society. By bridging the gap between knowledge creation and application, academic research can fulfil its ultimate purpose of making a meaningful difference in the world.

For an accessible summary of this editorial, click here to read the blog post published by the LSE Impact Blog Platform- Academic research and industry need more mutual feedback | Impact of Social Sciences (

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