Dr Richard Smith

Associate Professor

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 602558

Email address

Academic Office - 215
Second Floor
Wallace Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision
Media Commentator


A postmodern urban theorist. Research has focused on postmodernism, global cities, the business of cities, the future of cities, and the application of poststructuralist theory for understanding the contemporary world. Over 100 publications having written on social theory and urban space, world cities, global cities, urban networks, globalization, corporate services, structuralism, poststructuralism, postmodernism, human geography, and Jean Baudrillard.

Education: University of Hull (BA Hons, Geography 1st class, 1992) and University of Bristol (PhD, Human Geography, 1995, supervised by Sir Nigel Thrift (Awarded inaugural Phyllis Mary Morris scholarship & ESRC studentship)). Post-doctoral research at Loughborough University (with Prof. Peter Taylor).

Extensive international knowledge and experience having visited more than 100 countries on six continents and having presented research at more than 50 international conferences, universities, and public events. Research conducted in the UK, France, Netherlands, Singapore, USA, Canada, and Brazil. Research and other activities have been funded, commissioned, and sponsored by: e.g., ESRC, EPSRC, British Academy, European Union, British Association for Canadian Studies, Santander Bank, Fotografiska, University of Bristol, National University of Colombia, city of Kazan, Luxury Real Estate Association, TED, Korean Research Fund, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Director Centre for Urban Theory (CUT)Climate Action Research Institute (Sustainability Research Profile); Course Director MSc by Research in Urban Studies; Lead supervisor for international PhD students on various topics regarding smart cities, sustainable cities, A.I., and urban regeneration. School Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Lead. Elected Fellow of Royal Geographical Society.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Social Theory and Urban Space
  • The Futures of Cities
  • The Business of Cities
  • Global Cities
  • Urban Networks
  • Urban Studies
  • Sustainable/Smart Cities
  • Urban Mobility Futures
  • 15 Minute City
  • Urban Cultural Renewal
  • Postmodernism/Poststructuralism
  • Baudrillard Studies

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests
New York Fieldtrip (2003)

I have created and continue to develop modules in exciting contemporary areas relating to world/global cities. Advocate authentic assessment and active pedagogy striving to help students apply and prepare for future careers in global cities, international financial centres, and urban regeneration.

Research-led teaching: Global Cities/Urban Photography (Yr 1), Vancouver Field Trip/Visual Methods (Yr 2), World Cities (Yr 3), Global City Pathologies & Solutions/Elite Interviewing (MSc), Cities/Poststructuralism (MRes, PhD)

My world/global cities research features in the UK and International Geography school syllabus (for pupils aged 13 to 18 years old): for WJEC Eduqas GCSE Geography A and AQA & Cambridge International AS & A Level. I speak about world/global cities to schools, public, academic, and business audiences and incorporate these talks into my teaching. I have lectured on global cities at universities in Colombia and France.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations

Research as Art Competition 2015, Swansea University, SURF

TEDx London Talk: 'London After Brexit', June 2017