Mrs Emma Williams

Mrs Emma Williams

Lecturer, Nursing
Office - 168
Ground Floor
Glyndwr Building
Singleton Campus


I qualified as a paediatric nurse in 1996. Following gaining experience in a variety of paediatric settings, I transitioned into the field of Education in 2013. In 2010 I obtained my PGCE, and then gained a Masters in Enhanced Professional Practice in 2016. I have been with Swansea University as a lecturer within the Nursing Team (Child Field) since 2016.  I am also Programme Lead for the Work-Based Learning BSc in Enhanced Professional Practice, Neonatal NEST course and the new Neonatal Qualification in Speciality (QiS) Level 6 and Level 7. I also have a role as Deputy Lead for Safeguarding within the College.

I also have an entrepreneurial role as I run my own independent dermatology clinic, providing a service to children and adults who present with different skin conditions. This role further adds to my Continuous Professional Development whilst maintaining my clinical skills in my area of expertise.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Nursing
  • Paediatrics
  • Dermatology
  • Safeguarding
  • Work-based learning

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Work-based learning

Online/ digital/ blended learning