Dr Antonio Smecca

Research Officer
Post Doc Office - 607
Sixth Floor
Vivian Building
Singleton Campus


Dr Smecca is currently in his first postdoc position at Swansea, after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Turin. 

Career Highlights


His main research interest is in Lattice QCD, a non-perturbative approach to study field theories numerically. He mainly works within FASTSUM, an international collaboration which studies the property of hadrons under extreme conditions (high temperature and density). In Swansea, the FASTSUM members Dr Smecca works with are Professor Chris Allton, Professor Gert Aarts, Dr Tim Burns and Dr M. Naeem Anwar.

He is also involved in other projects like the study of inclusive semi-leptonic decays together with members of the ETM collaboration and the study of the glueball spectrum with Dr Davide Vadacchino from the University of Plymouth.