On this page you'll find some useful hints & tips to make your application to our Hardship Funds easier for our assessors to process once it's submitted. It may seem easier to provide as little information and evidence as possible, however this will likely cause delays in processing your application - It's extremely important that all the required information is provided and the evidence in your application is sufficient enough for our assessors to make a thorough assessment of your financial circumstances. We're unable to process applications without the required information and sufficient evidence to verify your situation, and applications can be cancelled or refused if the required and requested evidence has not been provided. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch by sending us an email; hardshipfunds@swansea.ac.uk

So what is sufficient evidence? Please watch the tutorial videos below to see examples of the evidence required in your application, and the details we need to see for the evidence to be accepted.

Resubmitting an application

After an application is submitted some students may receive an email requesting that further information/evidence is provided in order for the application to be processed. If you're required to provide further information and resubmit your application with further evidence, please take a look at the tutorial videos above if you'd like to see examples of sufficient evidence and please don't remove or delete any of the existing information/evidence that's already submitted in the application.

PLEASE NOTE - By the time you resubmit your application your bank statements may be out-of-date. The latest bank statements must be within 7 days of the resubmission date. For example your initial application may have been submitted on 07/10/20 but the last transaction showing on your bank statements may have been 03/10/20. If you resubmit your application on 20/10/20 you need to add an updated statement that shows your transactions from 03/10/20 up until 20/10/20 or within 7 days of the current/resubmission date.