PhD Researcher

The title of my PhD is Examining the driving cessation process amongst current and retired older drivers and their informal social network members

My Background

Whilst completing my BSc in Criminology & Social Policy and MSc in Ageing Studies at Swansea University from 2009-2013, I worked for the Department for Work and Pensions as a State Pension Advisor, changing to a bereavement officer in the latter part of my employment. I also undertook voluntary roles whilst studying, working as a Group Communication Mentor for the Stroke Association, and as a Customer Support Volunteer for the Royal Voluntary Service. Both positions were related to older adults, and were aimed at ensuring each older person who came in contact with both organisations was able to live a successful later life, whilst considering their specific needs & circumstances.

My Research

My PhD research explores the process of driving cessation in later life, amongst older adults and their informal support network members. Thirty semi-structured, individual interviews have been conducted with current and retired older drivers, along with their family, friends & neighbours as part of the phenomenological study. Following completion of the research project, the aim is to work towards planning measures to reduce the negative impact of this transition on quality of life and wellbeing, as well as informing policy and practice of the findings.

Aside from focusing upon mobility & transport in later life, my wider research interests include; Extending Working Lives, Retirement, Loneliness, and the Role of Informal Support Networks in Later Life.


Dr Charles Musselwhite & Dr Sarah Hillcoat-Nallétamby

Other Academic Achievements

I have presented my research at a number of public engagement events, including seminars, workshops & conferences. These include:

  • Loneliness in Later Life: Research, Engagement & Impact: Cardiff University (May 2015)
    Preliminary PhD findings focusing upon how driving cessation can lead to pathways to loneliness were presented to a lay audience, consisting of policy makers, academics & members of the public.
  • Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR) Conference: Cardiff University (October 2016)
    I submitted a poster presentation at the CADR conference, which summarised the research background, methodological approach and preliminary findings of my PhD.
  • CADR Research Seminar – Environments of Ageing: Swansea University (September 2017)
    This presentation was undertaken with a focus upon exploring driving cessation in the context of the social and built environment, outlining specific examples of PhD research findings.
  • British Society of Gerontology Conference: Swansea University (July 2017)
    This specific presentation focused upon one element of my PhD research findings – relating to the Decision-Making-Context of the informal support network members of current and retired older drivers, in terms of what either motivates or de-motivates people to provide informal support throughout the process of driving cessation.
  • British Society of Gerontology Conference Conference: University of Manchester (July 2018)
    Findings were presented from PhD research relating to retired drivers' experiences of informal support once giving up driving has occurred. This presentation drew upon practical and psychosocial outcomes of using informal support as an alternative to driving in later life, as well as barriers associated with usage of informal support. 


I have also undertaken a number of lectures throughout the duration of my PhD study, most recently convening two modules. Lectures have largely been related to my MSc & PhD research, where I have been able to draw upon real-life experiences, to share research insights with undergraduate and postgraduate students in the classroom. Specifically, teaching to date has spanned across Social Policy & Public Health & Epidemiology. Topics covered have included; Transport & Mobility in Later Life, Ageism, Comparative Population Ageing, Older Adults & the Lifecourse, and Social Research Methods.

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Picture of Amy Murray