Political and Cultural Studies Research

The research strategy of the Department of Political and Cultural Studies establishes a vibrant and sustainable research culture that is interdisciplinary at its heart, prioritises the publication of high-quality research, targets external funding for our research, and promotes an inclusive and collegiate research environment for its entire staff, from professors to doctoral students.

The Department is home to two research groups: Political Analysis and Governance (PAG); International Studies, Conflict and Security (ISCAS) and the externally funded Global Drugs Policy Observatory (GDPO). We lead the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods’ (WISERD) Politics and Governance Research Network, and are the home for the Initiative for Managing Policymaker-Academic Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer (IMPACKT).

With expertise covering Politics, International Relations, American Studies, War Studies, and Philosophy, we broadly conceive of our research falling within the themes of: political representation, online platforms, and normative regime change.